Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Writing Review Week

I think my greatest writing successes have been the stories I've written the past two weeks. Before that, I was trying to figure out my writing style, but I think I've gotten it down now! I've realized that what I really enjoy doing with stories is changing their perspective, and since that allows for so much freedom, I feel like I have lots of options for each story.

My goals for the second half of the semester involve just getting more comfortable with my writing style and not being afraid to change up stories. I sometimes worry about changing the story too much because I think it's important to the reader to be able to see the original within my version.

I think a good strategy for coming up with a good story is just keeping in mind that I have to retell one of the stories from the unit that I'm working on. As I read the stories, I think about how I could change them and make them my own, and the one that I think will be the easiest for me to retell after I read all of the stories in the unit is the one I go with!

I have definitely gotten inspired by the writing of the other students. I think that every person in the class has such a vivid imagination that it's almost impossible to not be inspired when reading their material.

I think I get more out of feedback from you as opposed to the students because the feedback from the instructor is always more detailed and precise. I like the dissection of my stories because I can easily correct the mistakes that have been pinpointed, and it shows me that my material is thoroughly examined, which I really appreciate.

I haven't learned anything new about myself as a writer, I feel like instead I have confirmed that I do my best writing at night. If I try to work on a story in the afternoon, I feel a creative slump. Confirming this to myself has led me to take measures in freeing up time in the evenings to do my work.

I think the stories in the units themselves are most inspiring in relation to my writing. Seeing what someone else has written and the amount of effort they put into it motivates me to put forth effort as well.

I chose this image because it goes along with what I consider my best storytelling post, which is one I based off of Sindbad's Third Voyage. 

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