I think the comments that have given me things to think about and improve in my stories are the most helpful. Of course, it's also nice to just receive positive feedback.
The project comments have definitely been useful, however, I've noticed that sometimes it's hard to meet the 150 word count requirement. I feel like I can say what I need to in less words and sometimes end up sounding redundant.
In both long and short comments, I usually focus on whether or not the student commenting has feedback for me. I love the encouragement, but I'm a perfectionist, so I automatically check to see if someone has seen something I might have missed.
The easiest part about writing the comments is providing encouraging feedback. The hardest part is making my comments long enough.
One of my majors is art history, and in all of my studio classes we generally have peer reviews. In this way, I am used to getting feedback from my peers, which I always appreciate.
I take into consideration all comments made in reference to my stories when making adjustments. If it's grammar-related, I do my best to fix the problems. If it is a comment about changing details or whatnot, I usually re-read my stories and see if the extra material is really needed.
I think the only thing I would suggest for the comments is maybe lowering the length requirements for the projects. I could say everything in 60 words or slightly more and get my point across for the projects as well as the storytelling posts.
I tried to find something funny and inspirational and didn't have much luck. So I thought I would go back to writing basics and insert the most basic writing tool. Lots of people have created something great with only a pencil and some paper.
I have previously commented on your Introduction, so I chose this post for my second comment. I agree with most of what you said here. I like that we are able to connect more with the students and Laura than we would in a typical online class. I also think that it can sometimes be difficult to reach the minimum word count for commenting depending on the story.