Storybook Topic: Women Saints
Comments: I first briefly saw the title for this unit while scanning all of the ones I had to choose from for weeks 2 and 3, and I kept coming back to it. This topic is interesting to me because I want to learn more about the women that have been immortalized in stories.
Possible Stories: I know there is an incredible amount of stories about women saints that I could choose from not only in the UN-Textbook but on the internet as well. Just putting “women saints” into Google search brought up a substantial amount of not only religious sites, but purely biographical sites as well. I’m sure if I get desperate that Wikipedia will have countless articles as well.
Sample Story Comments: When I googled “women saints,” I found a really informative website on female Catholic saints. I’m sure I could get a lot of good material from that one website alone. I know that coming up with material for this topic won’t be a problem. A specific example I found on that website was the story of Saint Barbara.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: Saint Barbara
Website name: Catholic Saints
Storybook Topic: Folklore of the Holy Land
Comments: I chose this topic because I’ve always been interested in how different religions interpret the stories of people such as Adam, Eve, and other Biblical figures. This topic would help me expand my knowledge concerning different religions.
Possible Stories: There were a lot of stories under this category in the UN-Textbook that looked really interesting.
Sample Story Comments: The story about Adam would be a great one to work with. It’s a classic that everyone seems to know.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: Holy Land: Our Father Adam
Author: J. E. Hanauer
Published: 1907
Storybook Topic: Chinese Fairy Tales
Comments: I’m fascinated by the Chinese history, so this unit is the perfect tool that I can use to further my knowledge of the Chinese culture.
Possible stories: There is a long list of possible stories that I could work with in the UN-Textbook.
Sample Story Comments: One story that stuck out to me was the story of the girl with the horse’s head or the silkworm goddess, because I can’t really tell what kind of story it is just from looking at the title. Stories with titles like that are usually really intriguing.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: The Girl with the Horse’s Head or the Silkworm Goddess.
Book Title: The Chinese Fairy Book
Author: R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens
Year: 1921
Storybook Topic: Pacific Northwest
I’ve been dreaming of moving to either Washington or Oregon since middle school, so reading and working with stories from that region would be really enjoyable for me. I want to learn more about the region that I will hopefully be living in soon.
Possible Stories: There was a list of stories in the UN-Textbook that I could work with.
Sample Story Comments: Falls of the Willamette grabbed my attention because I have friends that live in the Willamette Valley, so that knowledge made the story more personal for me.
Book Title: Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest, especially of Washington and Oregon
Author: Katharine Berry Judson
Year: 1910
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