Hey, Everyone! I’m Tatyana, and I’m an Art History and Psychology double major. This is my senior year, and even though I graduate in December, I’m already starting to get separation anxiety from this amazing university. Seriously, I love college! Sometimes, when it’s 3 in the morning and I’ve been doing homework since the previous afternoon, I might think differently, but overall I really do love college. I decided to double major for several reasons. Initially, I wanted to have an Art History degree but wanted something to go along with it so that I would have more options in terms of jobs. For this reason I decided to get a second major in Business Management. After getting a 43 on my first exam in Microeconomics, I decided that maybe I should choose a second major that I was more interested in. Growing up with a mom that’s a therapist made the decision easy, and that is why I’m getting my second degree in Psychology.
(Me in a peach orchard in Oregon, taken summer 2014)
I’m a person of many interests, which probably has something to do with the fact that I’m curious about basically anything. This is also why I wanted to be pretty much everything when I was growing up. When I was about 10, I saw a man blowing glass in Mexico. Seeing him blow glass and making it look so easy made me decide that after getting my high school diploma, I would buy a shack on the beach in Mexico and blow glass for a living. Around that time, I also saw my mom’s caterer friend make a gorgeous cake, which made me want to be a baker. I went to Silver Dollar City in middle school and saw the furniture they made and sold there, and, you guessed it, I wanted to be a furniture builder. Being curious sure has made life interesting, though. Seeing the world as being chock-full of things to discover means that there is absolutely no room for boredom.
Something I’m very interested in is reading. If you’ve ever seen Gilmore Girls, you know that Rory is an intense bookworm. I like to think that she and I are kindred spirits in that sense. You can always find a stack of books in my room consisting of books I want to read or reread. I also always have a book in my purse, and my car has a little crate in the back seat just for books that I might want to replace the book in my purse with.
(Photo taken by me of last summer's
reading stack)
Another thing I’m interested in is photography. My godmother gave me her Nikon D50 as a graduation gift, which has inspired me to work on my photography skills. I’m not a professional by any means, but I do like experimenting with techniques and capturing moments that are dear to me. I really love photographing nature. Something about looking at a photo of God’s creation makes time slow down and helps me realize that I live in a beautiful world.
(Photo I took of Mt. Hood, OR, summer 2014)
Anywho, this is just a little bit about me. If you have any questions or anything, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! :)
When it comes to books, I am just like you. I love to read and I have a hard time putting books down once I get started. I wish I had more time to read but once I start a book, I feel like I have to finish it immediately. I am also a Psychology major and graduating this December. Its nice to see someone with such similar interests as me. Good luck with the semester!
ReplyDeleteHello, Tatyana!! I, too, am double-majoring, mainly because I am interested in so many different things and love college and learning so much that I could not choose just one discipline of study, haha. As far as bookworms go, you and I are probably also very similar--though I have found it necessary to change mainly over to ebooks if only to allow me a greater range and number of book purchases. On another note, your photographs here are amazing; you have a real talent as a photographer! I can't wait to possibly see more.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with this semester!!
That sounds like such a great combination of majors, Tatyana! Have you had a chance to combine them in a course that is about art therapy...??? I've got a friend who is a psychiatric nurse at a local prison, and they do some great art therapy there; we all need art therapy in my opinion... and one of the reasons I really like teaching online is because we can do so much with images that way instead of just words. And I had to smile when I read what you said about glass-blowing: I took a glass-blowing class together with my mother when I was a little girl, just eight years old, and we made the most beautiful things: I had a swan I had made that I was so proud of. It's such an amazing medium to work with: I never really liked the art we did in school (I'm not so good with painting or drawing), but working with the glass was so inspiring. I still remember it so vividly all these decades later! Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the class: art, psychology, books, images... it all should resonate really well with the world of mythology and folklore!!! Have fun!
ReplyDeleteHi Tatyana, it is nice to meet you. It is awesome that you are double majoring. I enjoyed reading how curious you were, you wanted to be anything and everything. Even though a lot of people will not admit it, I am sure that many go through the same stage. This class seems like a great class for you to take since you love books. I was impressed with how informing and entertaining your introduction was!
ReplyDeleteHello Tatyana! Just from this short introduction, I can tell you are someone who loves life! I think it is awesome that you are double majoring and getting a degree in what you enjoy! I know the bittersweet feeling of being a senior too, but it seems like you won't have trouble finding any adventure when you graduate! I hope you have a great last year of school and best wishes to you and the future!
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe you are double majoring. That just seems like so much work its crazy. I am majoring in biochemistry, and that is more than enough for me to focus on. That is a really cool picture you have of Mt. Hood; I have never been to Oregon, but I have a friend who goes to the University of Oregon, and he says it is really nice there.
ReplyDeleteTatyana! First thing's first, your name is beautiful! I love the name Tatyana! I love reading everyone's introduction posts, because I feel like I know them a little bit after reading them. As goes with out saying, you're a cool gal! Books, photography, psychology, come on! That's awesome... Also, I can bond with you on the wanting to do absolutely everything. I have a plan A, plan B, plan C, plan D, etc. for my life if my major doesn't work out- and I would probably be just as happy with any of those (park ranger and reenactment actress are two of the top). I also love Gilmore Girls, and reading is a long lost friend of mine whom I have recently invited back into my life. Pretty cool, this life is! Hope you're enjoying the blessings of this last semester!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your upcoming graduation! With two majors that’s super awesome! I love how you talk about being curious and drawn to different kinds of interesting actions. I think that we all have some kind of desire to explore and do different things. As far as photography goes, if you ever want to shoot some action shots and work on editing a different kind of photograph. The rugby girls are always trying to get people to photograph our practices and matches. Cause somehow even in the middle of a brutal sport we still maintain the girl thought of “I wonder how I look right now..” Anyways, good luck to you with your studies! You’ll do great after grad!
ReplyDeleteTatyana: Regarding the first photo from your post…that's a lot of peaches! It seems like they would cause skin irritation because they are quite fuzzy. Did you make a peach cobbler, by any chance?
ReplyDeleteMount Hood! I'd like to go there sometime; one my good friends visited Mt. Hood and said it was fantastic.
It is good to hear that you are a reader. I'm always confused when people proclaim, "I hate reading!" For a reader, that's like saying, "I hate breathing, and I especially hate eating." So odd.
Hey Tatyana! I love that you just enjoy life as it comes, not matter what stage you’re in. I'm so glad you have loved your time as a college student and I always admire anyone who can double major. The picture you took is BEAUTIFUL!! I love that the tree is the focus with the mountain in the background. It is nice to meet you.
ReplyDeleteHi Tatyana! I love your interest in many things! I often feel the same way, When I was younger I felt like I wanted to do some many things when I grew up to be an adult. I am also a psychology major. It seems like there is a lot of us in this course lol. I am also graduating in December, with hope of going to nursing school afterwards (hopefully at OU). I also am an avid reader, but haven't had time as of recently with my hectic school schedule. I have actually gotten into buying ebooks. I use to buy hard copies all the time, but having my Kindle is so much easier. I can have dozens of books on one device. Good look to you this year!
ReplyDeleteHello Tatyana! Having a double major sounds like quite the endeavor. It’s taken me long enough to get to the finish line for one degree; I can’t imagine how much longer that would have taken me. I think it is awesome that you keep so many books around you/on you at all times. How many books do you read in a month? You’re so right about how refreshing it is to look and reflect on nature photographs; it truly is awe-inspiring.
ReplyDeleteHi Tatyana! I'm very interested in the dual major in art history and psychology. Have you looked into art therapy at all? I have a friend at a school in Georgia who wants to do exactly that and work with little kids. I don't know if it takes grad school or anything like that but I know she's talked to people that work as art therapists already and it sounds like an incredibly fulfilling job. I really enjoy reading but do it mostly over breaks. I also like to get books on my iPad because it's a lot easier for me to have a bunch of them all saved together!
ReplyDeleteHi Tatyana! I completely agree that at times I can't wait to graduate because I am tired of homework, but I know I will miss it when it is all over. You have a cool combination of majors and I think that you were smart for choosing a major you are actually interested in because studying something you do not like for four years would be awful!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, that is a beautiful picture that you took of Mt. Hood! I love that you are so interested in so many different things. Congratulations on being so close to graduating with a double major. That is very impressive. I am a Psychology major and can’t imagine having another major on top of that. I LOVE Gilmore Girls, so I know what you’re talking about when you mention Rory and her books. That’s so great that you love to read. I want to get more into reading. Good luck on your second-to-last semester at OU!
ReplyDeleteAww, I love Microeconomics! How can you not be interested in it?! I guess maybe it's not for everyone; (*gasp*) maybe people have different interests that I do! Anyway, I know exactly how you feel about being interested in everything; it's hard not to be. Lastly, that is such a cool picture of Mt. Hood! Good luck on everything after you graduate!
ReplyDeleteHello Tatyana! Photography can be so much fun! That's a great photo of Mt. Hood! The great thing about photography is that you don't have to be a professional by any means you can just have fun and experiment with different shots. It's a really great hobby to have. It's something that would go right along with all that curiosity and adventurous spirit you seem to have. I wish you luck with the rest of your semester!
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm also a person with a lot of different random interests. Whatever I'm learning at the moment is the most amazing thing in the world. However, it does make figuring out what you want to do with your life a little harder. I also have a stack of "books to be read" but I only have 2 in my physical stack and about 6 in my Kindle that I have bought but haven't had time to read. I am also very bad about reading 3 or 4 different books at once but school has put a hamper on my casual reading since I'm an Anthropology major (that's all we do is read :) )
ReplyDeleteDon't even get me started about that stupid microeconomics class. I'm an advertising major and we have to take both macro and micro. They are awful. I love that you change your life career almost every year. I did the same thing. For a few years, I wanted to be a ballerina, then a musical theater star, then a detective. I guess I've found that advertising lets me be all of those things. Currently, one a Gilmore Girls Netflix binge watch. I remember coming home from school and watch it when I was younger. It's such a great show!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to meet you Tatyana! The picture of you in a peach orchard in Oregon is adorable! Are you from Oregon? My major is Psychology as well. I hope to attend Physical Therapy school after I graduate.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I really enjoy books. Some of my favorite books are Catcher in the Rye, East of Eden, the Count of Monte Cristo, and the Road. What are some of your favorite books?
Nice to "meet" you Tatyana! I think your pictures are all so beautiful and I think it's great that you are interested in photography! It's such a wonderful passion/hobby! And congrats on the double major...that's intense and great. Ahhh, Gilmore Girls is such a great show! I love Rory's character and her love for books. I wonder what your favorite books are.